泰沂科技LED專業數位光學照明具有ISO品質認證、國際專利設計,比一般傳統式燈具省電 50% 以上,既節能減碳又具綠色環保概念,是對抗通膨時機與降低高電費的最佳利器,本公司產品外型氣質出眾,不論燈體或光源,都是絕佳的設計,高科技LED光學與藝術美學的結合,讓追求生活時尚高品質的您絕對不容錯過,更可凸顯您不凡的眼光。 Topunion Globaltek (TGI) is one of the world's leading LED developers and manufacturers. Established in 1993, we excel in the field of LED production, relying on a combination of experience and hard work. We pride ourselves on our ability to make high-quality LEDs with our patented Super Thin Thermal Management and Super Power Saving technologies, which provide excellent energy efficiency and brilliant colors at low costs.科學工業園區新竹市科學園區力行一路1-8號2樓
